10 Things You Should Know About Hair Growth

Welcome to our simple guide about hair growth! Whether you want longer hair, struggle with hair loss, or just want healthier hair, knowing how hair grows is important. In this blog, we’ll talk about ten basic things about hair growth that can help you take better care of your hair.

1. Hair Grows in Stages:

Hair growth isn’t a one-time thing. It happens in three stages: growing, transitioning, and resting. Understanding these stages can help you take care of your hair better.

2. Keep Your Scalp Healthy:

A healthy scalp is important for hair growth. Things like too much oil, dandruff, or irritation can slow down hair growth. Using gentle shampoos and scalp treatments can help keep your scalp healthy.

3. Feed Your Hair:

Your hair needs good nutrition to grow well. Eating foods with vitamins like biotin and minerals like iron can help your hair grow strong and healthy.

4. Hormones Affect Hair:

Changes in hormones, like during puberty or pregnancy, can change how your hair grows. Understanding these changes can help you take care of your hair better.

5. Your Genes Matter:

Your family’s genes decide a lot about your hair, like its color and how fast it grows. While you can’t change your genes, you can still take care of your hair to keep it healthy.

6. Stress Can Affect Hair:

Too much stress can make your hair fall out faster. Finding ways to relax, like doing yoga or going for a walk, can help keep your hair healthy.

7. Some Hair Myths Aren't True:

Some things people say make hair grow faster, like cutting it often or brushing it a lot. But these are just myths. Stick to what science says about hair care.

8. Protect Your Hair from the Environment:

Sun, pollution, and harsh weather can damage your hair. Wearing hats or using products with UV protection can help keep your hair safe.

9. Don't Overdo Styling:

Excessive exposure to heat or chemicals can harm your hair.. Try to limit how much you style your hair with heat and give it breaks from tight hairstyles.

10. Be Patient:

Growing healthy hair takes time. Stick to a good hair care routine and be patient. Your hair will thank you in the long run!


Now that you know these ten things about hair growth, you can take better care of your hair. By understanding how hair grows and taking care of it properly, you can have healthier and happier hair. Here’s to many good hair days ahead!

Now that you know these ten things about hair growth, you can take better care of your hair. By understanding how hair grows and taking care of it properly, you can have healthier and happier hair. If you’re looking for effective products to support your hair growth journey, consider trying N E V G I S. We offers a range of premium hair care products formulated to nourish, strengthen, and promote hair growth, including our Anti-Hair Fall Hair Oil, All in One Keratin Hair Shampoo, Keratin & Argan Oil Smooth Hair Conditioner, and Argan Oil & Keratin Hair Mask. With N E V G I S, you can trust that you’re giving your hair the care it deserves for beautiful, vibrant locks. Here’s to many good hair days ahead with N E V G I S!

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